Monday, March 8, 2010

Dragons Part 3

I'm pissed. It seems like the more and more I surf the web, the more and more I'm confronted with stupid articles the supposedly share reliable information on dragons. You people who are publishing this crap make me sick. Shut up!

Here's a brilliant example of another website I unfortunately stumbled across:


1. I clicked the little musical box on the front page, expecting to hear like the roar of a dragon or something appropriate to a site dedicated to dragon research, instead I was greeted by a medieval rendition of Greensleeves. I knew immediately this site was probably composed by those losers who hang out a renaissance fairs and wear chain mail and talk about the best way to siege a castle and how hott Richard III was.

2. Apart from its many grammatical errors, it shows a picture of a dragon eating fruit. Fruit. Yeah, that makes sense. You idiot.

3. I almost crapped myself when I saw them describe a "cold/frost breathing" dragon. Have you ever taken biology? When's the last time you saw a reptile in the North Pole? Wait, I have a brilliant idea! Let's make a website and just say whatever we want and make up information and feed it to people in a way that covers the truth and deceives millions of people world-wide. Brilliant.

4. This is really what you call "a late 20th-century dragon???" You juice box.

5. Then I found this wonderful drawing of a dragon on the site. I didn't realize that what constitutes a dragon is an alien head on top of a human body wearing a chastity belt. Sick biceps man.

6. So all in all, another failure of internet nerd-people to deliver proper and useful information about dragons.

On a separate note, Rob Pattinson's new movie came out sometime in the past week. Great accomplishment Rob, we're all proud of you, except me, 'cause i still think you're just a loser with pit stains. Loser.

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