Under the first GAY picture (which, if you recall, in a former blog post, I delightfully ripped into), there's a link to "share this" on Facebook. Needless to say, I won't be sharing it with anyone in good conscience. Honestly, it would be like giving someone a dead dog and telling them they can keep it. Son of a gun.
1. First brilliant statement: "Dragons and snakes are symbols for human DNA." No, actually, dragons are, well, DRAGONS. A double helix would be the symbol for human DNA you anal aperture.
2. Let's also ponder this worthless contribution: "The farther it goes from China, the more toes it loses. Hence, when it reached Korea it only had four toes and by the time it got to Japan it only had three. This also explains why it never made it to Europe or the Americas in that by the time it got that far it had lost all of its toes and could not walk. " This is complete BUTT CRAP. When you go for a walk, do you lose toes? Do they fall off just randomly? Look, toes aren't like Razor phones- they don't just fall apart and explode unexpectedly.
3. Here we go again: "The monster was believed to be the result of the unnatural union of an eagle and a she-wolf." Apart from these two animals being incompatible in ways not hard to realize, you would probably not get a dragon even if you mated these two. And who uses the term "she-wolf" anymore? This guy is a complete nutter.
4. "Misers can assume the form of dragons by constantly gloating over their treasure. " They...don't. The last time I've seen this
5. The straw that broke the camel's back on this website was the fact that one of the links at the bottom of the page takes you to a website entitled "PSYCHIC READING WITH ELLIE." That'll about do it for me. This website is, and always has been, a joke.
It's been a while folks! I've been on a writing leave, obviously doing SERIOUS research for a few books I plan on publishing within the year. Please feel free to email me with SERIOUS questions about dragons. But really, be serious. Don't numb my wits. It won't take me long to realize if you're a idiot or not.
Fool of a Took.